4 of Cups

4 of cupsThe 4 of cups is about perceptions.  The classic Rider Waite depiction is one of boredom, having stagnant feelings about what surrounds us.  The opportunity within the 4 of cups is to open up our feelings and perceptions so we can perceive the infinite.

Avia Venifica of Tarot Teachings has an affirmation for the  4 of cups I just love: “How can I move myself into a more free-flowing frame of mind in order to allow magnificent ideas and experiences into my life?”

Isn’t mind the suit of swords?  Well yes.  Swords are more analytical and information gathering.  This is good or bad, useful or not, the best advice is response A etc.  Swords are useful for cutting through the crap.

But here, with the suit of cups, it’s about perceptions.  It’s how we feel about the information.  “He doesn’t love me” can feel awesome, or it can feel like sh*t, or can be confusing.  It’s all about the perception of the information.

Our feelings are our best intuitive guide, giving us direct access to our higher selves.

Questions to ask around the 4 of cups:  Why am I feeling bored or disengaged?  What other possibilities can I imagine?  Is this all there is?  (If the answer is yes, do a little Byron Katie on yourself and ask, do I know that it is true?)

“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern.” – William Blake

Music is a great way to change the emotional background theme that is currently running.  If you need to change your emotional theme, have a listen to –

