Lunar Eclipse Astrology 2017

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius

There is a lunar eclipse this August 2017 taking place at 15 degrees of Aquarius. This eclipse is part of the Great American Eclipse cycle of 2017. Read on to learn more about the Lunar Eclipse Astrology.

lunar eclipse August 2017Eclipses happen when the moon intersects the ecliptic, which is the apparent path of the sun across the sky.  Eclipse season happens twice a year, and the eclipses come in pairs or triplets.

This particular pair of eclipses will take place in Aquarius and Leo, with the full moon Eclipse happening first, at 15 degrees of Aquarius. The Lunar Eclipse will be followed by the Total Solar Eclipse on August 21 at 28 degrees Leo.

This lunar eclipse is on the South Node which calls for letting go of the material and focusing on the spiritual. People, places and things that have passed their expiration date will fall away at this time.  You can voluntarily let go of things, or, since eclipses have a fated element to them, they will sometimes be removed for you.

Lunar Eclipse Astrology 2017

Look for what axis this pair of eclipses fall across to learn more about the Lunar Eclipse astrology of 2017 for you personally.

lunar eclipse astrology 2017

For me, the lunar eclipse falls in my 2nd house and the solar in my 8th.  Just this week, I got a raise at my full time job, which is allowing me to release my second job which I have been working for a year.

Letting go of the 2nd job was fairly easy (I’m worn pretty thin) but not necessarily easy, because I like the person I work for, she has always treated me fairly, and I feel very loyal to her.

The pay raise at my full time job was a bit of a surprise.  We talked about a raise at the 3 month mark, and this came in just before the 2 month mark, and higher than what we previously discussed. This partnership involving money paid off more than expected, that’s a north node kind of a thing.

As I mentioned in the video, I don’t profess to say this is all the lunar eclipse in Aquarius or the solar eclipse in Leo will bring forth, but I think it’s a very good example of eclipse activity on a personal level.

There’s definitely more to come as we rock and roll through this August eclipse season.

Let me know in the comments how it’s playing out for you.

Tarot Cards and the Lunar Eclipse

There are several Tarot cards that could describe an eclipse. The theme that runs across all cards is a degree of uncertainty, surprising events, and a flip flopping of past and present.

The Moon Card

lunar eclipse august
The moon card relates to eclipses, because eclipses take place near the nodes of the moon.

The Wheel of Fortune Card

Lunar eclipse and Tarot
The Wheel of Fortune speaks about the fickle finger of fate. Sometimes fate smiles upon us and sometimes she frowns.

The Tower Card

eclipses and surprises August 2017
Eclipses can knock down or cause a fall from power for political figures. Pride goeth before a fall. Lunar eclipse astrology 2017.