A common practice in learning Tarot is to sleep with a Tarot card under your pillow and then take note of the dreams you have during the night. This is a particularly nice practice if you feel like your intuition is “jammed” or that your rational mind is grabbing the wheel and not giving anyone else a turn. Try it for a week and see what messages bubble up for you from the unconscious or from your higher self.
The protocol I will follow for this dream experiment each night:
- spend a few moments grounding myself
- if a particular card presents itself or I have one that I would like to explore, I will choose it
- if no card in particular strikes me or makes itself known I will choose one randomly
- repeat cards will be allowed since it may take more than one night for them to convey their message
- I will use a variety of decks (I’m a Gemini moon and I relish variety!)
- I will run this experiment for 28 days from August 15, 2013- September 12, 2013
Tarot and Dreams – First Quarter Moon