Check this page often for more videos on how to read Tarot cards for beginners. Tarot is one of those occult arts that goes very deep. It’s possible to study and learn Tarot for a lifetime and still have tons to learn. Don’t let that discourage you! Get a handle on a few basic techniques and you’ll be up and running learning Tarot in no time.
How to Read Tarot Cards for Beginners – Picking a Deck
Oh my, there sure are a lot of Tarot Card decks! How do you pick one or two to start with? Watch the videos below to learn how to pick the perfect Tarot card deck for beginners.
Picking a Tarot deck – Best Deck for Beginners
Should I Pick My Own Tarot Deck?
You may have heard the meme that your first Tarot deck should be given to you. I weigh in on the matter in this video.
How to Read Tarot Cards for Beginners – Tarot Card Combinations
Watch the videos below for some quick ideas on how to read combinations of the Tarot card suits: wands, cups, swords and pentacles.
Tarot Card Meanings Ace of Cups plus Pentacles
Tarot Card Meanings Ace of Cups plus Wands
Tarot Card Meanings Ace of Cups plus Swords
Tarot Card Meanings the suit of cups
How to Read Tarot Cards for Beginners – how to read reversed cards
To read or not to read reversed cards that is the question. As a beginning Tarot card reader, you might want to not read reversals for a while. With over 13 million combinations possible in just a 5 card spread, do you really need reversals? Just a question.
In the video I offer a few ideas around how to read reversals. Reversed Tarot cards can indicate, blocked energy, subconscious blocks around what the card indicates, or even the opposite of how you would interpret the card in the upright position.