This free tarot card download is perfect if you need a set of cards and don’t have the cash.
I arranged a set of public domain tarot card images in a PDF file for you. Just print them out and glue to 3 x 5 index cards.
Note: US Games is hassling me about the copyright on the images. The images, as far as I can tell are by Pamela Coleman Smith and are in the public domain in the US. But, as I said, I don’t want to get into it with US Games.
You can look up the images for yourself.
I have created my own set of Tarot Card Images, which you can download for free. Sign up below and I’ll send them to you.
If you’d like to receive free tarot card images, get free weekly tarot readings on YouTube, and get tips on learning tarot, enter your name and e-mail below.
One of the advantages of the deck is that it uses illustrations for the numbered or “pip” cards, giving hints to the card meanings.
If you’re new to tarot, I suggest creating a Tarot journal. Pick a card a day and write down your thoughts and impressions around the card.
In 78 days you will have your own set of Tarot card definitions! If you do 2 a day, you’ll have a set of definitions in a little over a month!
A good site to check out with a thorough set of Tarot card meanings is I should have my own up sometime soon, so check back!