The Tower and The Moon Card Combination

Tarot card combination the Tower and the moon
The Tower and The Moon Cards

The Tower and the Moon coming together in this tarot card combination is pretty heavy hitting. The explosions of the Tower combine with the confusion and fears associated with the Moon card.

  • emotional explosions and roller coaster rides
  • breaking up or breaking down and finding out how you or they really feel
  • a health scare or crisis
  • fear and anxiety possibly self generated
  • tough situations, not knowing where to turn

Things Tarot Cards Say – the tower card and the moon card

Tower – “In the news today, scientists predict that global warming will kill us all by the year 2036. Only Elon Musk will survive.”

Moon – “Tell me some fears so I can reflect them back to you.”

More Tower Card Combinations

More Moon Card Combinations

