Weekly Astrology and Tarot Forecast May 14-20 2017
With the Sun in Gemini, we’ve got lots to talk about! Saturn trine Uranus is exact on the 19th, Mercury enters Taurus, and Venus leaves her shadow and opposes Jupiter. Basically some shifting around of personnel and co-workers checking in with one another.

Sun in Gemini
The Sun enters Gemini on May 20th. The King (the Sun) has had plenty of time to mull over what is valuable to him with his time in Taurus. Mars has been in Gemini for about a month, fighting skirmishes , and lots of small battles. With the Sun in Gemini it’s time to discuss what’s been going on with our efforts and maybe get some sort of a plan together.
Gemini is the story teller, the reporter, the trickster. Quick witted and articulate Gemini is entertaining, but don’t believe everything you hear or read.
The Sun in Gemini is youthful, vivacious, and in the know. What’s new and what’s the word are phrases to be heard during Sun in Gemini.
Along with natural curiosity, and changing interests, Gemini can be easily bored or distracted. Guard against being too ADD or easily distracted, or giving up on something too soon.
Sun in Gemini Tarot Reading
For the Tarot reading I pulled 3 cards: 10 of pentacles, 3 of wands and 8 of wands.
The 10 of pentacles talks about being in it for the long haul, making sure you are creating value that will stand the test of time and keep you well supported into the future.
The 3 of wands is asking you about your vision and the 8 is saying get ready to move quickly. On your marks, get set, go!

Saturn trine Uranus
Saturn trine Uranus has been in effect for several weeks and this Friday, the 19th it will be exact for the second time. It was exact on Christmas Eve last year and will be exact again on November 11 this year.
There are several ways to interpret this aspect. For this week, I’m going with “it’s so crazy it just might work”!
If you’ve been working on or considering a way out there idea, or working to break yourself out of jail, this might be the week it all comes together.
Mercury enters Taurus
Mercury enters Taurus on Tuesday the 16th, pulling himself away from all the frenetic fire energy in late Aries. Perhaps discussions will be a bit more level-headed, but don’t be surprised if someone locks onto their viewpoint.
Venus opposite Jupiter
Venus opposes Jupiter and leaves her retrograde shadow on Friday the 19th. I see this as Venus checking in with Jupiter saying: are you taking care of everyone? is everyone happy? please be nice to my guests. And if you have a party, please make sure everything is just as lovely as when I left it.
If you are one of the people triggered by the Jupiter Uranus opposition as I am, this is another ping of that energy. Everything may be a little too much and a little too over the top yet again.
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