What do the Knights Mean in Tarot?

The Knights in Tarot are action oriented. The Knight is a man with a plan, a mission, a quest! The Knights don’t want to talk it over, they want to get started.

To get some ideas about what the knight in a reading might mean, start with the suit

knight of pentacles meaning

Knight of Pentacles

taking action action the material plane. The Knight of Pentacles wants to create income, build something, gather up resources to use on a project. When the Knight of Pentacles shows up, maybe you are getting your paystubs and credit score ready to hand to a loan officer, or opening a savings account, or building a tiny house to rent out.

Knight of Swords

taking action in the mental realm, using words and writing, working on changing thoughts and perspectives, anyone in the legal profession. When the Knight of Swords shows up, ask yourself if you are trying to change someone’s mind or prove a point. Are you trying to change your own mind or perspective on something? Try writing out a pros and cons list or a business plan or a flow chart so you can hone in on your target.

Knight of Cups

taking action in emotional and psychic realm, and within relationships. The Knight of Cups is often a Romeo card, of the idealistic lover with the urge to merge. Cups like to glue things together. When the Knight of Cups shows up, ask yourself, what are you trying to bring together? people? a relationship? a feeling? and ideal? Just remember that water is a little hard to hold onto as it slides between your fingers… So when the Knight of Cups shows up, maybe you should go with the flow.

Knight of Wands

spreading the word or enthusiasm, building excitement, the work of an evangelist. The Knight of Wands can also be an athlete, or someone who rushes into situations to help, such as a fireman. Get it, Fire – Man, wands are the element of fire. While the Knight of Wands can seem quite inspirational and magical, he can also be here today and gone tomorrow. When the Knight of Wands shows up in a reading ask yourself what is it you want to infuse your enthusiasm into. How can you spread the word? Where is boundless energy or bravery showing up for you?

Exercise with the Knights of the Tarot

Lay all 4 Knights in front of you and open up your Tarot Journal. Work with the following questions:

  • Which Knight seems to represent you in your life right now? Use the descriptions above to link a Knight to your current focus and efforts.
  • Do any of these Knights remind you of family members, workmates, friends, people you grew up with, celebrities?
  • Open up Pinterest and search Knight of (fill in suit). Look through the images. Do any of these cards apply to the question above?
  • Pick any of the Knight cards and write a motto for him. If that Knight were then female, would the motto change?
  • What fictional characters can the Knights represent?
  • Which Knight is your Knight? What is your quest?

Breaking a Bad Habit Spell with the Knight of Swords

The Knights of Tarot lend themselves perfectly to getting things done through a magical working. Here is a spell for breaking a bad habit that is included in my Tarot Spells Udemy course.

Work on a Tuesday or Saturday under a waning moon.

Tarot Cards: Death, Knight of swords, Judgement

Light the candle and incense.

Print the tarot card of choice at the top of a piece of paper and write the habit you wish to break vertically 7 times underneath the picture.  The format is the same as when someone posts something for sale on a bulletin board and makes tear off strips with their phone number on it.

Glue the tarot card to the candle leaving the strips free to be ripped off.

Create tear off strips for your Tarot Spell Candle

Start the spell preferably on a Tues or Sat.

Light the candle and incense.  Lay out the offerings.  Suggested items:  tobacco, red wine, brandy, coffee.  You may want to include mouse traps or insect traps for additional drama.

Speak an incantation which addresses the card and asks for help breaking the habit.  Tear off a strip and drop into the candle and let it burn.

Repeat the process every day until you have burned all the paper strips.

Example incantations:

Today the sun sets on [the habit of smoking cigarettes] never to return.  By the power of the Knight of Swords, I surrender [the habit of smoking cigarettes] and am reborn with a clean slate.

Knight of swords I ask that you cut the chains that bind me to [enter habit].  Move swiftly and surely, with the greatest speed, to release [habit] I have agreed.

