Judgement Continued

judgement by joelstuff
Judgement by JoelstuffV4


” I have never judged someone who, in retrospect, didn’t also exhibit the same behaviors that I either did or still do.”  – Ari Moshe


After the last post on the Judgement card, I got a lot of feedback.  It seems there is more to explore here.

What follows are my thoughts after reading this Facebook Note about Judgement.

Judgements proclaimed against ourselves or anyone else are black and white, and imply right and wrong.  When we are judged we feel shamed.

judgement cardUnfortunately, the Judeo Christian concept of God is that of a Great Judge.  Hence the imagery of the traditional decks that depict Judgement Day – when all good souls are called forth into Heaven.

Actually the card on the left depicts the resurrection of the dead, which happens immediately before the Last Judgement.

Why is this?

I’m not a scholar enough to know.

But the point here is that the Last Judgement will separate everyone into 2 groups – good and evil.

This is evidently not a time for love, compassion or appreciation.

More often than not, love and appreciation of ourselves is called for.  And when we are able to grant that to ourselves, it most naturally splashes onto all whom we come in contact with.

“The truth is that God, Creation, Life LOVES no matter what. It is so into you and will meet you wherever you are. Love has nothing to do with reward or punishment.” – Ari Moshe
The opposite of love is fear.  The fear of being naked and being who we really are because we might be rejected or hurt can keep us in judgement of ourselves and others.
We incarnate on this earth to experience polarity  – good and bad, black and white, salty and sour.
We incarnate to make choices and experience the unfolding of desire.
Make choices and let your life unfold.
Be wary of being trapped in Judgement.




