Spell Recipe using Wheel of Fortune, Temperance or 9 of Cups
The best times for this spell are the New Moon on Wednesday the 23rd, Thursday the 24th, or the following Thursday December 1 when the moon joins Jupiter in Pisces.
You will need:
- a copy of a Tarot card OR
- paper and colored pencils, paints etc to create your own version of the card
- a candle
- incense
Tarot Cards You can use:
- Wheel of Fortune
- Temperance
- 9 of cups
All of the above cards are associated with Jupiter (ruler of both Sagittarius and Pisces) and the dates given are the new moon itself or 2 Thursdays, which are Jupiter’s days. We are amping up the Jupiter power here!
On the appointed day, at your chosen time (sunrise for the Thursday dates is best), light a candle for Jupiter:
- Blue, for the blue skies of Sagittarius
- Purple or gold for royalty
- Green for wealth and growth
- Burn some incense.
- Take out the copy of your Tarot card or have the items ready needed to draw your own version of the card.
- If you are creating your card, then create it
- Once you have a Tarot card, turn it over and write your invokation to Jupiter (see below)
- Write the Jupiter glyph, 4 times, one in each corner
- Sign your name across the invokation
What can you ask of Jupiter
Jupiter is the planet of fertility and expansion, so asking Jupiter to help you grow something is appropriate. Jupiter is also a planet of wisdom, known as guru in the Vedic tradition. Asking Jupiter for wisdom in a particular situation or in general is something you might choose to do. If you are looking for a teacher or program, this is perfect to propose to Jupiter.
If you know where Jupiter is placed in your natal chart or where it is transiting you might ask for wisdom or expansion in those areas of life. And newsflash – you can ask for these things for other people as well!
Finishing up the Spell
There are several ways you can close the spell:
- Fold the paper into quarters by folding it toward you and turning clockwise. Carry the paper around as a talisman or good luck charm
- Affix the Tarot card to a candle and light every Thursday through December15th
- Attach the Tarot card to a ballon and release it at sunrise on a Thursday through December 15th
- Most important, have fun and put good energy into your spell!
Need a custom Tarot Spell? I’m here for you! Just contact me to discuss.
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