The Pope and 5 of Swords Tarot Combination

This Tarot card combination of the Pope or Hierophant and the the 5 of swords is about fighting the system. What happens when we fight the system?

The Pope or Hierophant
5 of swords tarot card combination

Quick interpretation

  • conflict around not fitting into the system
  • David and Goliath type conflicts where there will be only 1 winner
  • fighting “the system” or the conventional (and losing)
  • a teacher of martial arts
  • an iconoclast
  • a surprising overturn
  • pick your battles, are you outgunned?

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Is the Pope and the 5 of swords more positive or more negative?

The way I read Tarot, the cards have a spectrum of interpretation from negative to positive. There are multiple ways to determine how the cards are “playing out” in any spread. But if I had to give a general rule of thumb for the Pope and the 5 of swords:

  • mostly negative, the odds are not in your favor

Further interpretation of the Pope and the 5 of swords

Winners and losers. The agony and the ecstacy. Zero sum games. Nobody gets a trophy for effort here.

The Hierophant or Pope is the established hierarchy. Did you notice that the words hierophant and hierarchy both start with – hier? The origin of both words come from a greek word that means supernatural or holy.

The Holy Roman Catholic Church became the Holy Roman Empire and froze the supernatural into a hierarchy. It took the iconoclasts of Martin Luther and the printing press to break up the system.

Here we have the idea of David going up against Goliath. Rage against the machine. Fight the power!

Will you win?

Probably not, but every now and then there is a surprising upset and the underdog wins a battle and gains some ground.

Is today your day? Is it a good day to die? Is this battle worth fighting?

Ask yourself these questions when you draw the Hierophant and the 5 of swords.

Every day interpretation of the Pope and the 5 of swords Tarot combination

So everyday is not the battle of the century. Every day is not the day you stand up against the World Economic Forum. So what might this pair of cards mean on the more daily side of things.

As I stated earlier in the article, a martial arts teacher. The Pope can also speak to teaching and learning, mentor and mentee. With the 5 of swords this is a teacher in the art of fighting. Interesting that dojos have a distinct hierarchy.

I could also see this pair as representing a referee, with the Pope holding the book of rules and the teams duking it out on the field.

I drew this pair on a day when I had been fighting against conventional wisdom or practices for a while. I felt tired but somehow sure I was on the right path. I’m building a business around Tarot and astrology with no backup plan. No part time job.

That pretty much flies in the face of conventional wisdom. But somehow I feel I am on the right path.

I face Goliath on a daily basis.

Will I win?

Time will tell.

More Hierophant or Pope Tarot Card Combinations

More 5 of Swords Tarot Card Combinations

