King of Swords Tarot Card Combinations

Seeking wise council with the King of Swords in Combination with other Tarot cards

The King of Swords General Correspondences

I often think of King Solomon when I see the King of Swords. King Solomon is the one who had 2 women standing before him, both claiming to be the mothers of a baby.

King Solomon decreed that the baby be cut in half, knowing that the true mother would cede the baby to the other.

Lawyers and Judges fall into step with the King of Swords archetype, just by their participation in the judicial system.

Use the table of contents below to jump to a Tarot card combination, if that’s what you are looking for.

I also associate the King of Swords with someone who is at the top of their game professionally. They are the best of the best.

When the King of Swords appears in a reading, I usually ask the person in front of me if they are using and advisor on the matter.

If not, they need to find one. If yes, how has their performance been? If not stellar, then seek another counsel.

I’ve been sitting here racking my brain, trying to figure out how the King of Swords has showed up in my life, as the prompt is “my life introduction”.

I just finished writing a book.

It took me 9 months.

I had a draft of the book laying around for literally years. Occasionally, I would work on it. But it never got finished. It never got sold.

Then one day, I had the thought, what if I hired an editor?

So I did.

The editor, Kim of the Open Book Co., is my King of Swords.

She’s a professional editor (King). Of words (swords).

In the past, I’ve struggled a bit finding professional people in any arena that can help me how and when I need it.

Luckily, that was not the case this time around. The book is finished and just about ready for publication.

If you need professional help or counsel, I suggest putting a King of Swords card on your altar and ask for help finding what you need. If I had done that, maybe that book draft wouldn’t have sat around for so many years. Who knows.

King of Swords and Major Arcana Tarot Card Combinations

The FoolThe HermitThe Moon
The MagicianThe Wheel of FortuneThe Sun
The High PriestessJusticeJudgement
The EmpressThe Hanged ManThe World
The EmperorDeath
The HierophantTemperance
The LoversThe Devil
The ChariotThe Tower
StrengthThe Star

King of Swords and Wands Tarot Card Combinations

Ace of wands6 of wandsPage of Wands
2 of wands7 of wandsKnight of Wands
3 of wands8 of wandsQueen of Wands
4 of wands9 of wandsKing of Wands
5 of wands10 of wands

King of Swords and Cups Tarot Card Combinations

Ace of cups6 of cupsPage of cups
2 of cups7 of cupsKnight of cups
3 of cups8 of cupsQueen of cups
4 of cups9 of cupsKing of cups
5 of cups10 of cups

King of Swords and Swords Tarot Card Combinations

Ace of swords6 of swordsPage of swords
2 of swords7 of swordsKnight of swords
3 of swords8 of swordsQueen of swords
4 of swords9 of swordsKing of swords
5 of swords10 of swords

King of Swords and Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations

Ace of pentacles6 of pentaclesPage of pentacles
2 of pentacles7 of pentaclesKnight of pentacles
3 of pentacles8 of pentaclesQueen of pentacles
4 of pentacles9 of pentaclesKing of pentacles
5 of pentacles10 of pentacles

