It’s on! Who wins in a fight – the Knight of Cups versus the Knight of Swords.
Let’s start with a methodical approach.
They are both Knights, so they are evenly matched there. Knights see an idea through. They are willing to fight for whatever it is they are after.
It looks like this match won’t be boring.
Next, let’s look a the suits.
Cups are the water suit, associated with emotions, feelings, the flow of life, and the psychic and intuitive realms.
Swords are the air suit, associated with thought and linear mental processes, rationality, logic, discernment and separation.
If this was a battle in the courtroom, the Knight of Cups would have the ability to make the jury feel a certain way about the defendant. He might make them feel like the defendant had no choice, or had no intention of wrong doing.
The Knight of Swords would have the ability to make the jury follow a logical sequence of events that proves that defendant didn’t do it. He would be able to demonstrate, based on the evidence, there is no way to come up with a guilty verdict.
In a shouting match on the street, I’d give it to the Knight of Swords. As illustrated by Rush Limbaugh on the card, the Knight of Swords is convinced he’s right and won’t back down until he slays his opponent.
In a match to win somebody’s heart, obviously it would go to the Knight of Cups. The proposition of “logically we belong together” usually doesn’t go over very well. The Knight of Cups has the ability to move and swirl emotion, the ways to win someone over.
In a match to find the most innovative solution, I’d bet on the Knight of Cups. He could flow in, out and around, and tap into his imagination to come up with something different. The Knight of Swords would be more likely (but not guaranteed) to continue to rehash the known data. Or, he might go on a quest to find a new source of information.
In a political match, unfortunately, it would go to the Knight of Swords (at least here in the United States). The loudest, most ruthless, and most obnoxious in many cases is the one who wins. Grab you sound bite and drive it in like a dagger.
Although, I must admit, President Obama is a man with a lot of heart. And fortunately for him, he has a very logical side (he does have a law degree), and the ability to listen to all sides of the issue. A combination of both has worked for him.
So there you have it. It looks like a pretty even match to me. It just depends on the situation.
Who would win in a grudge match, the Knight of Cups or the Knight of Swords?
Chime in with a comment below.
Love your illumination on these two.